Talent Development is one of Humanpersi’s core areas of activity!
In the past 20 years, we have acquired experience that allows us to design and implement models of talent development and assessment of potential. Contributing to the development of our clients’ people, particularly in what concerns their soft skills and its management.
This intervention is materialized in 3 major solutions:
Design of Competence Models (soft skills)
This consists of preparatory work for our potential assessment and talent development interventions.
- We identify key competences for achieving our clients' objectives and strategy, as well as for reinforcing the desired organizational culture.
- We operationalize these competencies in behavioral terms, so that they can be observed.
- We create performance scorecards, establishing links between hard and soft skills and Key Performance Indicators that enable us to monitor the evolution of the productivity and performance of our clients' human resources.
Management Appraisal (MA)
A methodology of evaluation and development of management competencies for
professionals in middle or top management positions.
The MA serves as a decision support tool for promotions or choices for new and more ambitious professional challenges.
- The MA is designed specifically for each organization and each competency model. This competency model may be designed by Humanpersi or may consist of a client's own model (a more frequent situation for multinational clients, who use their own corporate models).
- The assessment of management competencies, which may be carried out face to face or virtually, is done using a mix of methodologies: critical incident interviews, 360 degree surveys on the most relevant behavioral dimensions for each case; an interactive simulator that allows for direct assessment of the behaviors that make up the competency model and complementary tests that focus on career motivational factors.
- Once the assessment has been conducted, an individual report is issued on the analysis and development of the competencies observed, and two feedback sessions are held: one with the manager of the participant being assessed and the other with the participant him/herself, who receives his/her feedback report. Both feedback sessions are usually accompanied by the person responsible for human resources or the organization.
Development Centre (DC)
It is a methodology for assessing and developing the soft skills of employees who usually do not have leadership functions, in order to assess their potential to evolve towards leadership/management or in another direction more suited to their profile: project management, commercial functions, expertise functions, functions linked to innovation or product development, etc.
The DC acts as a radar of the organization’s potential.
Each DC is a memorable event, an unforgettable experience for the participants, who feel valued by the organization.
- The DC is designed specifically for each organization and each competency model. This competency model can be designed by Humanpersi or can consist of a client's own model (this situation is more frequent in multinational clients, who use their own corporate models).
- The assessment of competencies is usually carried out in a group, using a mix of methodologies: an interview; an interactive individual and group simulator that allows direct assessment of the behaviors that constitute them and complementary tests that focus on motivational factors in the career.
- Once the assessment has been conducted, an individual assessment and development report of the skills observed is produced and two feedback sessions are held: one directed to the manager of the participant being assessed and the other with the participant himself, who receives his feedback report. Both feedback sessions are usually accompanied by the person responsible for human resources in the organization.